Better Health Care Alternative

What People Say About "The Juice"

"I suffered a stroke in 1998, which left me in severe pain and somewhat disabled. My pain was 80% gone within two weeks after I began taking the Toner."

Dr. James Swinney, D.C. BS, MS 
Loxley, AL

"I have had shoulder problems for five years, diagnosed as a torn rotator cuff. I opted not to have surgery and to just live with the pain. I used to have to take two 800 mg Motrin tablets a day to be able to go to the gym and work out. I began taking the Toner, and in one month, I began to see a difference. My shoulder quit hurting, the throbbing that I had all the time quit, and I was able to completely get off the Motrin. I have not taken any medication for my shoulder since, and it doesn't hurt any more. That you for this outstanding product."

Pat McLellan, Gulf Breeze, FL

"In 1995, my daughter and I sustained neck and back injuries in a serious auto accident. For the next two years, I was on pain medications and in physical therapy, yet I still continued to suffer. The pain was so intense that if I moved in my sleep, it would wake me up. In the fall of 1998 I began taking Southern Heritage Toner. I had come to the conclusion that nothing could help me, and that I'd have to endure this discomfort and aggravation for the rest of my life. After one week on the Toner, however, I was amazed that my pain had disappeared. I no longer have pain unless I forget to take the Toner. My daughter, parents, and many other friends now use this phenomenal product also. I use all the products that Southern Heritage offers because they work!"

Dee Hayes, Pensacola, FL

Toner - $45.00
Item: SH7000

Click here to order by mail or fax.

 As with any natural treatment or supplemental therapy, please check with your health care provider prior to adding this to your regimen or replacing any medication with this or any other product.

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Larry P. Key

Nationally Certified Reflexologist


3927 W. 21st Place  

Panama City, FL 32405



Copyright 2000 Larry Key - All Rights Reserved