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Products That Help

I am a firm believer in the enormous benefits provided by quality nutritional supplementation. I frequently recommend products to my patients, desiring to recommend only top-quality products with pharmaceutical-grade ingredients. Below are the products I have found to be beneficial to individuals with fibromyalgia and related disorders; these products are also excellent for healthy individuals desiring to maintain a high level of wellness and vitality.

The Genesis Factor - Nature's first food, and your key to naturally increased energy, rejuvenation and repair of injured muscles and joints, a healthy digestive system, and younger-looking skin. Aids in combating and protecting you against autoimmune disorders like fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes. Read the powerful testimonials!  Highly recommended.

"The Juice" - Southern Heritage Toner, a natural joint relief and wellness system with CLA, collagen, and aloe vera. This incredible product has brought relief from pain for thousands - no home should be without it.

Liquid Calcium Complex - Calcium is a vital and beneficial mineral for both men and women, but choosing a quality supplement can be confusing. OsteoTek Liquid Calcium Complex from LifeTek Corporation is 95% bioavailable, meaning your body gets the calcium it needs for overall health and osteoporosis prevention. Best of all this product is affordable, effective, and it even tastes good! Also beneficial for prevention of heart disease and colorectal cancer; relieves PMS symptoms.

Super MSM - MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is a natural form of organic sulphur found in all living organisms. MSM has been found to normalize certain body functions in people displaying symptoms of stress, specifically gastrointestinal upset, inflammation of mucous membranes, allergic reactions, drug hypersensitivity, inflammatory disorders including arthritis, muscle cramps and infectious parasites. There appears to be a relationship between abnormal physical symptoms and low MSM blood levels in human beings. A low concentration of MSM is associated with organ and tissue malfunction, fatigue and susceptibility to disease. Patients with a wide range of conditions report significant relief from daily supplementation with Super MSM.

LifeTek Sleep Aid - Quality sleep can be a problem for fibromyalgia sufferers. Supplemental melatonin has been scientifically proven to improve the quality of sleep that people get. The problem with most Melatonin is that it helps give you good sleep once you are asleep....but doesn't do a great job of getting you to sleep.  LifeTek took the finest Melatonin available and combined it with herbs that have a calming effect on the system, such as Valerian Root and Kava Kava. This is a product that will help you get to sleep faster, sleep more soundly, and wake up refreshed and ready to meet your day. This supplement is safer and more effective than over-the-counter sleep aids. Besides that, you never wake up groggy from taking SleepAid. Non-addictive and safe.

St. John's Wort with Ginkgo Biloba - Another winner from LifeTek that I personally love. We are convinced that a lot people will find this powerful product changes their lives in a positive manner. A dynamite product with life changing results. St. John's Wort has recently been receiving national recognition as a natural antidepressant equal in results to the popular drug known as Prozac, yet without the side effects associated with drug antidepressants. Numerous animal and human clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of St. John's Wort extract in the treatment of depression. It has a 2,400-year history of safe and effective usage in many folk and herbal remedies. Historically used as a nerve tonic, St. John's Wort is now widely used as a mild antidepressant. It is a potent antiviral and antibacterial that is being investigated as a treatment for AIDS. As such I wholeheartedly recommend its use for fibro patients and others fighting depression as part of their disorder.   

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Larry P. Key

Nationally Certified Reflexologist

3927 W. 21st Place  Panama City, FL 32405



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